Friday, December 6, 2013

Dec 6 Less is more: work

"I have this new initiative in my life, and I’m trying to push my colleagues to do it, too, where I want to work less and think more.
In a given month, I do a lot of very mediocre stuff, but once in a while I come up with a really good idea. Maybe I’ll come up with two in a month. Those two inevitably happen when I’m either falling into a nap, or coming out of a nap, or waking up slowly on a Saturday morning.
I’m trying to engineer more of those in my life. I’m trying to encourage more people to have naps because, hopefully, more people will have these brilliant ideas."
- Brian Halligan
Quoted in Adam Bryant. CORNER OFFICE: Brian Halligan, Chief of HubSpot, on the Value of Naps. New York Times Dec 6, 2013

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